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Editor’s note: Bronne Bruzgo was one of seven cast members on MTV’s The Real World: Season 22, which took place in Cancun, Mexico. Bronne is 22 years old and a senior, history major at Penn State.   

Tell me about your casting experience.

Basically what happened was there was an open casting call at my school. My buddies said to try out. I never had watched the show in my life and went as a joke, to mess with people. They kept calling me back and next thing I know I was on a plane to Mexico.

What advice would you give to people who want to be on the show?

The best advice is be yourself, because they can weed those people out who seem desperate. If you want to be on show to have a career in acting, or modeling, they do not pick those people.

How has your life changed since being on the show?

I’m trying to be regular again, and get back to normal, except lots of people know who I am now. Obviously a lot has changed, I got a nice job as a bartender because of it, lots of girls want to talk to me now because of it, but other than that my life is back to normal. I go to Penn State, drink and it’s senior year.

What is the best part of being on The Real World?

Aww man, I get that question a lot. It’s so hard to answer, just the experience overall. I would it do it again no questions asked.

Did you act differently because your family was watching?

My family knows me pretty well. I didn’t surprise them particularly.

What would you tell people who are intimidated about applying?

I was nervous about doing it too. Go do it, have a fun time. It will be the best experience of your life if you get it.

How was living with seven people?

I lived with four people my whole life. That house was so big, it seemed like I was living with less people because there was so much space.

What kind of rules were there?

There were no video games down there, no TVs either, because they don’t want us sitting there watching TV and playing video games. They want us interacting. I am a huge nerd, and they wouldn’t even let me play games online. I’m a gamer.

Did you eat every meal out?

First you get there, the fridge is full of food. We grocery shopped at Mexican Walmart, but then we realized we could order room service and did that all the time. I seriously ate club sandwiches like every day. The best club sandwiches I ever had were there.

What are your plans for the future?

I’m still going to graduate on time. I was way ahead of the game already. I signed up for Marine Core today, so I will dedicate four years to that.