Oh the dreaded freshman 15! Starchy cafeteria food, unlimited amounts of meal plan swipes, late night food delivery, and C-store candy binges.

Yes, the increase in food intake definitely packs on the pounds but the real culprit is alcohol, and those late night binges that happen (whether you remember or not) after last call is announced.

Two a.m. equals feeding frenzy, where all bar goers flock to the closest possible place to stuff as much food down their throats as fast as possible. Appropriately, this has been termed as the “drunchies,” also known as drunk munchies.

Let’s be honest, who hasn’t woken up covered in food, either smeared on your face, or all in your bed, looking like a bomb went off in your refrigerator and kitchen.

But you cant help that at 2 a.m. nothing sounds better than an entire pizza pie from Fugitaboutits, a gigantic falafel from Jerusalem’s (something most people seriously regret eating the next morning), a lamb sandwich from Greeks Gone Wild or even entire bags of chips or other munchies from 7-11.

Some even go to such extremes of raiding the SAE house kitchen for random disgusting leftovers.

On the other hand, if you are set on heading home for your feast, optimal choices are frozen microwavable such as Lean Cuisines, frozen pizzas, or our personal household favorite of Annie’s mac and cheese.

We all have hilarious drunk munching stories, although my personal favorite was when my roommate woke up to find an entire tray of eggplant parmesan in the bathroom, along with handprints of tomato sauce covering all surfaces bathroom.

It seems that leftovers are prime targets during these late night eating sessions.

And my personal favorite story is when my roommate came home on her 21st birthday and proceeded to dig into her birthday cake with her hands and then shove it in her mouth, on her face and in her hair. Oh, priceless memories.

So, the next times you are on a mission for late night food, check out the great places around DU, order in, raid SAE kitchens, or find something great in your freezer.