In the Oct. 21 9News.com article, DU spokesman Jim Berscheidt said, “People can walk around with Boone everywhere if they want, it’s just not the official logo or mascot and no money will be used to promote it. Students and alumni are welcome to use Boone any way they wish.”

Students, are you listening? Students are welcome to use Boone any way they wish.

There’s been enough stink about the way senior administration cut the jugular of the student led Boone initiative.

How can DU utilize the Boone passion which united the DU family more than any other initiative on campus?

Students, you play a different role than alumni. You probably don’t know the power you have, so I am going to try to explain it to you.

First, students are the reason why DU exists. Students are the gem to every department, professor, advisor and chef.

Take away the students and you have a bunch of faculty and staff with nothing to do.

Think about it, students CHOOSE to come to DU whereas faculty and staff are chosen by DU.

The $40,000+ annual expenses students spend to attend DU are astronomical, shouldn’t your experience be out of this world too?

The experience is yours, not Chancellor Coombe’s or any other senior administration with the powerful voice and robust ability to make it their way or no way.

Second, Boone’s unceremonious retirement in 1999 flew under the radar until the last few years. Student groups and organizations united forces to create proposal after proposal to senior administration and eventually got the go ahead to conduct an official DU mascot survey last year.

After administering two rounds of surveys to students and alumni, Boone beat out Pioneer Pete, Ruckus and a new mascot with roughly an 80 percent pro-Boone rating.

Everybody is aware of these results, especially the people who influenced Boone’s dismissal.

Third, I’m going to go out on a whim and predict Boone would return to the 80 percent pro rating today if the same survey were re-administered. If this is the case, it would make sense for the 80 percent to be proactive.

The combination of the 100 student organizations, five sororities, nine fraternities, 30 club sports teams, and 17 varsity teams will create a roar that’ll be hard to muffle.

Here are some ideas for the organization or club you might be affiliated with:

Print Boone on posters and flyers for events and meetings

Sign your e-mails with “One of Boone’s Pioneers”

Sidewalk chalk “Bring Back Boone” in front of every senior administration office you can think of

Chant Boone chants at all hockey games and get alumni involved.

Flood Chancellor Coombe’s mailbox with handwritten letters about why DU needs a mascot and Boone should be it

Talk about Boone’s return in all of your end-of-the-year-surveys

Ask alumni to sponsor your Boone t-shirt, banner and jersey printing

Host a Boone Burger hockey tailgate before the CC game

And most simply, talk about Boone with anybody and everybody.

All you students who were heartbroken on Oct. 21 when Coombe and senior administration ceased all talk about Boone, put your wit and flare together and stir some magic.

If alumni hear you, they will respond. As a recent graduate and Boone advocate, I have spent some time talking with old and young alumni about Boone’s absence and the majority are upset and appalled by the issue.

They are willing to donate to student groups who will protest in Boone’s honor. Students unite, ahoy!


Brooke Meyer

Class of 2008