Martin Luther King III spoke last night in Gates Concert Hall about achieving a nonviolent world by eliminating poverty, discrimination and militarism. The second oldest…
Injury at Fitness Center On Tuesday, Jan. 8, at 3:45 p.m. Campus Safety responded to the report of an injured party at the Coors Fitness…
Photo by: Jessie Hull With a week and a half of the winter 2008 quarter behind them, many juniors on the University of Denver campus…
Photo by: Justin Edmonds On the first of this year, the DU chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity moved into a new $4 million house,…
The Sustainability Council of the University of Denver has begun meeting to set the course of action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at DU. The…
Human rights talk The Political Theory club's speaker series is hosting "The Relative Universality of Human Rights." International Studies professor Jack Donnelly, who has had…
To some it is confusing, to others it is tiring just to watch but to those who play it, it is called the Princeton offense.…