Crime Report

February 7, 2006

Pillaging plumbing On Friday, Jan. 27, at 12:44 p.m., a DU staff member reported the theft of university-owned property. A Denver Campus Safety report revealed…

The Sports Fix

February 7, 2006

It was announced last Saturday that the late football great Reggie White will head the 2006 class of NFL Hall of Famers, to the rejoicing…

About 41.7 million people watched President Bush deliver the State of the Union address last week. Although a fairly significant increase in viewers from last…

Arts ’round town

February 7, 2006

Mute Math Tonight, Mute Math will perform at the BlueBird Theater at 7 p.m. Tickets are $10. Lamont Symphany Orchestra Tonight, the Lamont Symphany Orchestra…

Fourteen contestants competed in the talent show last week, which kicked off Winter Carnival in Sturm Auditorium. The talents that the students showed ranged from…

Winter Carnival continued this week with events on campus throughout the week and activities at Keystone Mountain this weekend. On Tuesday evening between 7 and…