
October 20, 2004

October 14, 2004 Dear Editors (if I have previously submitted, please accept my sincere apology!): If you are "average," then your personal share of MAINTENANCE,…

So Change It

October 19, 2004

Dear editors and readers alike,Dear editors and readers alike,This message is in part a response to Graham Patterson's letter in last weeks Clarion, but is…

Who Knew?

October 18, 2004

Dear Editors (if I have already submitted this, my sincere apologies): Who knew? The spike of attention afforded the release of what was purported to…

Thanks so much for printing this:John Kilpatrick will be speaking Sun OCt 24 6pm & Mon Oct 25 7pm at Resurrection Fellowship,I-25 & Crossroads,Loveland, Co.John…

"VOTE FOR JOHN KERRY AND JOHN EDWARDS"American is more divided then ever. It was developedand will remain under this present administration.KERRY/EDWARDS, WILL UNITE US IN…