After watching "Bringing Down the House", I wonder if studio executives simply mix and match old movie plots to come up with their next release.…
To whom it may concern: I am a junior Marketing major here at the university, additionally I am the marketing intern at Planned Parenthood of…
i've in recent days twice emailed a short editorial to you, is there any separate avenue that i have left to pursue before i find…
What DU Value?A recent informal survey of the DU undergraduate student body revealed what were some of the most important values on campus. Honesty was…
The University of Denver and the Denver Traffic Department have decided to put the main parking entrance for the College of Law on East Asbury…
March 5, 2003 Dear Editor: We are writing this letter in response to your recent article in THE CLARION entitled. "Morning After Pill" available at…
On the letter to the editior just submitted, the phone number for the health center at the bottom of the letter needs to be corrected…
I recently read your story about emergency contraceptives becoming available at the DU Health Clinic. One statement in the article read, "Emergency contraceptives, or more…
Dear Editor:Your article about emergency contraception has a fact error in it that you should clarify as if has the potential to have dangerous consequences…
Colorado NARAL and DU NARAL, both abortion and reproductive rights groups, will host an informational meeting tonight to educate the DU community about emergency contraceptives.…