Anderson Academic Commons is a perfect study location, day or night. Gusto Kubiak | Clarion


Unfortunately, college can’t be all fun and games. DU students know that better than anyone, as the university was ranked by University Primetime as having the 33rd hardest finals in the nation. Classes might be difficult, but there are plenty of nooks and crannies around campus where you can concentrate and get the job done.

1.  Anderson Academic Commons (AAC)

This is the most obvious choice of places to study around campus, as the library offers the perfect studious environment to get down to business. With it’s three floors, 154,223 square feet and 2,000 seats, there are many options for a student to be as studious as possible. There are single person pods downstairs for the more serious studiers, group study rooms for study sessions, public tables for students who need more space and, for a more scenic view, the third floor offers a beautiful view of the Rockies to enjoy while catching up on homework.

2.     Dorms

While your room is always an option to study in, the different dorm buildings around campus usually offer individual study rooms or public rooms to study in if you need a change of pace without actually leaving the building. WIth a good pair of headphones, the dorms are the perfect place to study in without ever having to leave the comfort of home. 

3.     Outside

Denver gets about 300 days of sunshine per year. If the temperature cooperates, a perfect place to study is anywhere outside on campus. There are tables scattered throughout campus that you can study at, along with other options such as spreading out a blanket on the grass or setting up a hammock between some shady trees near Johnson-McFarlane Hall.

4.     Mary Reed Hall

Don’t let the ghost of Mary Reed stop you. The Renaissance Room is one of the quietest and most interesting places on campus. When not occupied for meetings, the Harry Potter-esque room is a perfect location for studying. Though the building is not open late at night like the library, it’s a perfect place to study in between classes.

5.     Beans Café

For the coffee junkie in all of us, Beans Café provides a nice bohemian environment to prepare for classes in. Though a little crowded, if you can snag a table, Beans is a great place to settle down and study. After all, nothing makes cramming for a final more bearable than a lavender Chai latte.