While slipping on the way to class might be unavoidable, dry hair and lips don’t have to be. Connor W. Cavis | Clarion


Winter is the time of year for many wonderful things—skiing, snowball fights, skating, hot chocolate and more. However, it’s also a time for quite a few not-as-wonderful things as well, like freezing cold temperatures, slipping on ice all the way to class, skin that feels like alligator scales, peeling lips and dry hair. While we can’t exactly help with all of the above, the Clarion has compiled a list of winter beauty tips so that you can look fresh and fabulous the next time you slip and fall trying to walk across campus.


Colorado is known for its lack of humidity, and in winter, the dry air outside and even dryer air inside due to indoor heating can severely dry out skin. The main, and most obvious tip here is to apply a ton of lotion, especially to your hands, which are usually exposed and most prone to dryness. Keep a tube in your backpack, one in your bedroom and one wherever there’s a sink in your house or dorm. Apply all the time, especially after taking a shower or washing your hands.

If the lotion doesn’t seem to be doing the trick, try using petroleum jelly or shea butter instead. A good way to deeply moisturize hands and feet is to apply a thick layer of either product before bedtime and then immediately put on socks or gloves and go to bed.


Having chapped lips has to be one of the most annoying things in the world—they get rough, start to peel and then you compulsively lick them, which just makes them drier. This is definitely tip number one—do not lick chapped lips. It’s hard not to, especially because it’s somewhat of a reflex, but you must resist. The best way to do so is tip number two—make sure to have some kind of chap stick with you at all times. Put a few in your backpack, a few in your purse, one by your bed, one in your living room, one everywhere in your house, apartment or dorm. We all know that they get lost more easily than socks in a drier, so make sure to have plenty of backups at the ready. Also make sure to apply all the time, not just when your lips feel dry.

Again, if the balm alone isn’t working, feel free to use petroleum jelly. Another good thing to do is exfoliate dry lips before applying to get rid of dead skin. A simple, homemade exfoliation recipe is to simply mix honey and sugar and rub vigorously on the lips.

Keep lotion in your backpack to keep skin soft. Kellsie Brannen | Clarion
Keep lotion in your backpack to keep skin soft.
Kellsie Brannen | Clarion


Hair can get dry and lifeless in the winter, which is why applying a deep conditioning treatment once a week can be a lifesaver. There are plenty that can be purchased at the store, although a great homemade treatment can be made by simply melting coconut oil, applying to the entirety of the hair and then washing it out half an hour later. Another way to keep moisture in is to cut back on shampooing. Try to simply rinse hair with water at least half of the time and save shampooing for when it looks greasy or you’ve been sweating a lot. Also remember to condition generously when you do shampoo to offset the drying effect it can have. It’s also ultra-important to keep up with regular hair maintenance during winter, when hair can become rife with split-ends, and get it trimmed every six weeks.