Colorado had four schools that ranked in the top 25 colleges with the best location. Connor W. Davis | Clarion


recent article from Business Insider ranked DU as the 23rd best college in the nation for location.

The article, titled “The 25 colleges with the best location” used statistics calculated from, a website dedicated to reviewing and ranking schools and neighborhoods in the U.S. and Canada. For this specific ranking, Niche took a variety of factors into account, which each hold a different weight. Among these factors are median rent, access to bars and a crime and safety grade (see chart for full breakdown).Screen Shot 2015-11-05 at 10.38.30 AM

According to Niche, 1,713 public and private colleges in the U.S. were surveyed. New York University (New York) came out on top, followed by the University of San Francisco (San Francisco) and Northeastern University (Boston).

Colorado saw four schools in the top 25, the third most of any state in the U.S. behind New York and Massachusetts. In addition to DU, Metropolitan State University Denver (Denver) was ranked 5th, University of Colorado at Denver (Denver) was ranked 12th and Colorado State University (Fort Collins) was ranked 24th, one spot behind DU. University of Colorado Boulder (Boulder, Colorado) was not ranked in the top 25.

More details about these rankings can be found at and