December has arrived which means that there are still five weeks to enjoy winter break. While we can relish in the homework-free days and laugh at our semester friends who are stuck studying for their finals, the reality is that these five weeks will go by quickly and you should take advantage of your time. Helping your parents unload the groceries, playing video games and sleeping in can get redundant, and whether you are working, traveling or enjoying your time at home over the next few weeks, take our advice and stay busy this break.

1. Read a book
You may have spent the entire quarter not opening a single book until finals week, but winter break is the perfect opportunity to kill some time catching up on some novels (or Buzzfeed articles if you prefer).

2. Make a playlist
Instead of relying on Pandora or 8tracks for all of your music choices, take the time to customize playlists for different occasions. If you plan on taking a road trip, hitting the slopes or working out, get creative and share your playlists with friends and family.

3. Spend time outside
Unless you are somewhere that is consistently below zero, don’t spend your whole winter break cooped up inside. Take a walk, go for a hike or at least try and get some fresh air in between all of your free time.

5. Take up a hobby
Knitting? Cooking? Photography? They might have sounded out of reach while you were at school, but five weeks is just the right amount of time to perfect your new hobby. Your friends (or roommates) will thank you when you get back in January and can actually cook something.

6. People watch
Sitting in an airport during a delayed flight tends to be the perfect time to people watch, but it doesn’t have to be the only place. Find a spot over break (a coffee shop, park or even the annual party at your aunt’s house on Christmas) and take a few minutes or hours to take a break from your own life and observe other people’s.

7. Do someone a favor
Not everyone is lucky enough to get this long of a winter break so help someone else out. Whether you pick up someone else’s shift at work, help a friend or a family member, they will appreciate the favor and your time will have been worthwhile.

8. Catch up on your favorite TV shows
Missed the Breaking Bad finale because you were studying for midterms? Watch every season on Netflix over break so that by the time you get back to school in January, you will finally understand what everyone was talking about.

9. Look for a summer internship (or if you are a senior, look for a job)
Be proactive. Now is the time to get a head start for summer jobs and internships while everyone else is still preoccupied and studying for finals.

10. Declutter your life (aka clean)
The holidays are always a time for giving so stay busy this break by doing something charitable. Go through your room and give things away to people in need.

11. Brainstorm answers to questions you will get asked during the holidays
When you spend your holidays at large family gatherings your relatives are bound to ask about what you plan to do with your future, how college life is treating you and your love life. Spend the next few weeks brainstorming your responses to the inevitable questions so you can sit back and relax when they come around.

12. Relax
No one said you can’t be lazy this break. After all, the quarter was packed with 10 weeks of material and we deserve a break, but remember to save up your energy for next quarter.